Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Counting down the hours...

Only one more day till I am out for SUMMER!!! I am so excited!! Training is going really well. I was sick last Thursday, so I didn't run. Then I had to run on the treadmill Saturday. OK, that is not the best thing for one's back! I was pretty sore on Sunday. I got up an ran Monday morning around 8. (I was shooting for 7!) :o) Anyway, I had a great run. It was overcast till the last 15 to 20 minutes. It felt pretty good! Then comes the good stuff. This girl had NEVER mowed grass before with any kind of mower push or riding. I have always wanted to try it, but I just never did. I mean growing up my dad did it till he could afford to pay someone to do it for him. (usually a boyfriend of mine in high school!) Then when I was married, my husband at the time cut the grass. He cuts grass on the side, so why not cut ours? Well, now I am single living in my first house, so I am in charge of cutting my own yard. WELL, you should have seen it. I have been so worried about getting out of school and getting boxes out of my den and kitchen I forgot to look in the back yard. OH AND ARE MY HAND PAYING FOR IT! I wish you could see the blisters all over my hands. I am sporting for band aids (two on each hand) for OPEN blisters b/c I didn't wear gloves to mow the yard. If only I had a dollar for each time the mower died b/c the grass stopped the blade b/c it was too tall. :o) I was getting so frustrated. Not to mention sunburned! (didn't think about sunscreen!) The front yard and side yards weren't so bad. Oh, the back yard, The backyard would make a preacher cuss his deacons. It is huge and was so overgrown I really needed a weed eater to shorten the grass before I began to cut. I wasn't even halfway through when I gave up. After running for 55 minutes, eating only a Luna bar and drinking an energy drink and water, my body was dying. It was screaming FEED ME!!!!!!!! So I did!! I showered and went to my parents barn where we grilled hamburgers and hot dogs and had lots of great fellowship!! What a memorable Memorial Day!!
Thanks for listening (reading rather) my rantings!! :o) happy training!!


Chicago_or_Bust said...


Just let somone experienced in grass cutting know the next time you need some help.

I will send Jana over - she is great with a lawn mower! :-D

(That's gonna get me in trouble, I know).


Did I Just Do What I Think I Did? said...

You betcha, buddy!


Carol said...

Lawn mowing is a big challenge but don't you feel so empowered when it is all done and looks good? It hurts my hands, too, and I have a blister on my palm! And I burned up my lawn mower, too, so not sure what I'm going to do next. But it is good exercise!

The Miller's Blog said...

GIrl, I'm proud. The one time I attempted to use the lawn mower, I about passed out from heat exhaustion AND it looke like a UFO had landed in our yard from all the zig-zags, and sharp turns I was making. Needless to say, I'm not allowed to mow the yard. I guess it's safest that way!

LegalSec said...

Aaaahhhhh, life in an apartment! Nothing like it when it comes to yard work! However, I do admire those who love yard work and they're yards look like something out of Southern Living! Hang in there - at least you learned something new - WEAR GLOVES! ;o)