Wednesday, August 1, 2007

What a crazy time...

This has been the craziest couple of weeks for medical problems. I have been at the ER for my sister today. She was having chest pain this time. They thought she had a pulmonary embasomething? (clot to her lung?) Not good considering she is pregnant! I had to leave. I am sure they will let me know something in the morning. I have had 2 migraines this week. I haven't had one in God knows how long. I think I am anticipating returning to school tomorrow!! :o)
WELL, I went to Dr. Geissler today!! I found out I have some sort of patella issue. (there is a name for it!) Basically my right patella is tilted towards and points right instead of straight forward. Therefore, it is rubbing on the bone instead of "floating." The only way to truly fix it is through surgery. I don't have time for that considering the marathon is in like 2 months. :o) So, he put me in a serious knee/patella brace and will inject the knee with cortisone on Wed. before we leave on Friday. So, that is where I am with my knee. :o) Plus, I went for a physical on Tues. and my B-12 level, which are supposed to be around 1000 are around 500. Plus, my thyroid levels are below normal! :o) i am on b-12 shots weekly and will test the thyroid levels again in 8 weeks. :o) Wow, now i can go back to work and slow down!! :o) See y'all Saturday!!


The Miller's Blog said...

Sorry about your knee, Stephanie. At least you can temporarily do something about it. Just don't overdo it!!! Your sister will be in our prayers. That sounds awful.....

Good luck with back to school.

Did I Just Do What I Think I Did? said...

Girl, you haven't got time to be falling apart!
Hang in there!

Anonymous said...

Take care of yourself. We need you in Chicago. Suzanne

LegalSec said...

It's definitely time to slow down! Dr. Geissler is a great doctor and will help you run without pain again soon. Keep us informed on your sister's condition as well as your own! See you Saturday.

Chuck Gautier said...

take care, and good luck at school!

Cro-Magnon said...

Ur too young to be acting like this! I hope the brace works through the 2nd week in Oct. You definitely have a full plate, but you are meeting the challanges with the proper attitude! OBTW our schools started Monday 7/30.

Anonymous said...

Well written article.