Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Sorry, I just didn't have it in me...

I wanted to come on Saturday morning, I just couldn't. I went to the Jackson Academy vs. Jackson Prep football game Friday night. (I even left right after the Accents performed at the half). I went to get in bed early, and I did get in bed pretty early that night. I was just worn out from the days events. As most of you know, I teach in Jackson Public Schools. I really do have a great class this year, but one of my students was acting really out of character on Thursday. I called his mother after trying numerous other tactics to get him to work and stop disturbing my class. (finally sent him to another room) Well, he came back to school the next day with his arm from elbow to wrist looking like a candy cane. I guess she did what she thought she had to do to get him to act right in the classroom. It just amazes me what parents think is an appropriate thing to "spank" a child with today. I mean, that kid just told me they where "whoopin' marks" likes it was no big deal to be hit with an extension cord! I would have NEVER in a million years dream of picking up a cord a hitting my child with it. (neither would my parents) I grew up getting spankings, but I believe there is a place on the body made for spanking a child appropriately. (for appropriate things!- not just for being a 3rd grader) I wish there was a way to reach out and teach there is a better way to disciple your children to these parents. They need to get way more creative!
So, I basically just turned my alarm off and slept. I slept until 10:00 am. It felt so amazingly good. I can't describe it!! I don't know how long it has been since I haven't had to wake up early for something. I mean, it is EVERYDAY of my life! I just needed the break! I did miss y'all though! I will see you on Saturday!!


Believe in Miracles ~ Lisa B Davis said...

Remember.... Mark told us... SLEEP IS TRAINNING!" I think a bunch us are in need right now. See you Saturday!

I am so sorry you had to deal with the other... That can not be easy. Then there is the "reporting" issue.... and not knowing about the child....
I know it is difficult... Be thinking of you.

Did I Just Do What I Think I Did? said...

I can not handle child abuse in any form. I would never make it as a teacher!

The Miller's Blog said...

I agree with Jana. That is awful and sad!

Todd, Story and Hudson said...

Stephanie, I'm so sorry that you had to deal with that!!! I'm so glad you some rest. It was great seeing you on Friday night.

Chuck Gautier said...

What a stressful job. You deserved a Labor Day weekend off, for sure. Don't you just wish we could beat those parents the same way for being bad parents? Thanks for saying "hey" at the JA game. I left after half-time too, and was pannicking about getting tired and dehydrated.

Chuck Gautier said...

What a stressful job. You deserved a Labor Day weekend off, for sure. Don't you just wish we could beat those parents the same way for being bad parents? Thanks for saying "hey" at the JA game. I left after half-time too, and was pannicking about getting tired and dehydrated.

Christa said...

That sleeping in was wonderful, wasn't it????!!!!! I'm glad I did it too!!!! God, I HATE to hear that about your poor student. That makes me sick. I don't know how you do it! You are a stronger person than I!!! I would be making a scene on that child's mom, and then I'd be fired. See you Saturday!