Monday, July 23, 2007

My Family

On Clayton's birthday, we all went to my grandparents to eat dinner. It was one of the last nights my aunt and uncle (dad's sister) would be in the states. My dad's other sister and my uncle were in town from Franklin, TN to visit too, so we decide to take a big family portrait. I just wanted to share it with everyone!
Standing: (L to R: Evan Herrin (Tom's son, Tom is my sister's husband taking pic), Eugene C. Brown, SR(papaw), Stacy Brown Herrin (sis), Peggy Brown (mom), Eugene C. Brown, JR (dad), Judy Brown Smith, Jeff Smith, COUCH: Geraldine Martin Brown (mamaw), Leah Smith, Shelby Nations, Marcie McDaniel, Thelma Lane Causey (g'mother- mom's mom), Lydia Smith FLOOR: Kerry Nations, Janet Nations, Cameron Nations, Stephanie McDaniel, Clayton McDaniel (lap), and Nolen Smith!
Wow, do we have a big family? My arms are tired from typing. :o) Just wanted to share with you my family!
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The Miller's Blog said...

Great family pic!

Did I Just Do What I Think I Did? said...

Isn't it fun to get together with your family!

LegalSec said...

What a great family! Your kids are adorable!