Friday, July 20, 2007

Wow, it has been a long time...

since I have blogged! I should be ashamed of myself! :o) I was in a "Summer Symposium" for JPS all last week, so I felt busier than I probably was! :o) This week has been pretty crazy too. I can't believe I am going back to school in two weeks. I went to my classroom today to get some stuff done! What a mess. :o) I have been training on the elliptical all week, so it has been really nice to not feel the frustration of having knee pain! Hopefully it won't be too bad tomorrow. I found someone to watch my kids in the morning!! :o) She is going to spend the night so they all don't have to get up so early! :o) Great idea. Anyway, my mom had surgery today. She had to have her 2nd stint in 5 years put in. The blockage was in the same artery just a little higher. Hopefully this will fix her!!
Well, I have to go pick up my little fella. Speaking of, Jayce and I took my kids to New Orleans on Tuesday. We went to the Aquarium!! So much fun. Clayton LOVED it!! What a great aquarium. We wanted to do the zoo too, but we didn't have enough time. we got down there late and had to have some Cafe du Monde!! :o)
I have to tell one more story! When we got home I gave the kids a bath and they were waiting on my parents to come get them to spend the night. Marcie sees a cock roach in the corner of the kitchen ceiling. She starts crying. I didn't know what to do b/c I couldn't reach it. I am on the phone with my sister who tells me to get the broom. So, when I get the broom Clayton thinks it is the FUNNIEST thing he has ever seen. (me trying to kill a cockroach with a broom) I am sure it was pretty funny!! :o) I go to hit it and miss. The roach falls to the floor, and I screamed. Clayton starts laughing harder. (remember he is 2) Marcie (5) starts crying harder. Being the drama queen that she is she begins to say, "if you don't get that bug I just don't think I can stay here." (through her tears- Clayton still laughing) Then she is saying, "I can't be here with that bug, I just can't!" Now I am laughing!! I finally had to tell her I killed it so she would calm down. It was so funny. Oh the differences between boys and girls!!!


LegalSec said...

There is definitely a difference even at that young age - from birth really. I would love to meet them sometime. It sounds like they're lots of fun and I could keep up with all the latest things kids like, since they're about the same age as my grandchildren. Talk to you soon and I hope your mother continues to improve.

Renee Guest said...

Hey Stephanie - it is Renee Rodriguez Guest. I just saw your blog from Jenny's. YOu are doing so great with all of your training. You are such an inspiration!! so awesome!! Great to see you at Fleet Feet the other day. Tell your family 'hello' for me.

Kim said...

I don't blame Marcie. I can't stand roaches, either. Your kids sound adorable. :) Have a good week!

Woodruff family said...

That is so funny about the roach! Bekah hates doesn't matter what kind of bug.. she hates it.. and Nate - well, already I caught him eating a bug the other day!! YUCK!! Love your blog!