Friday, June 15, 2007

How my week has been...

Well, since lately I am down to one blog per week I guess I will condense this week into one blog! This week was GREAT! Although I feel much slower when I run, I guess that is the extreme heat! I feel good when I am finished! I started lifting weights again this week!! That felt great. It really has been too long. I am a FIRM believer in cardio alone is NOT enough to get the weight down. Since I have been training for this Marathon I have gain 8 pound. I know some of you are thinking that is not a lot, BUT it is enough to put me up a clothes size! I don't have the money to go out and buy new clothes, so I am going to have to lose the 8 pounds to fit comfortably in my old clothes. :o) That is why I am going to be lifting weights again! Not only that but I am also watching what I eat more. :o) Not just watching myself eat it! I am not eating the bad food choices. I have the BIGGEST sweet tooth imaginable, which makes losing weight difficult. It is all about self-control! Gotta get back in the mindset I can't eat everything I want and stay thin!
Well, enough about that! Thursday's run- Can I please tell you how amazing I felt!! I did the 5 miles avg. 10 min/mile!! It has been like 2 weeks it seems since I have done that. It just seems to get bigger and bigger (avg/mile that is). I know I am walking a little more b/c of my knee, but goodness this is ridiculous! I did get the fuel belt. I think being so thirsty and dry mouthed (if that is a word) was taking it's toll! It is so nice to have hydration when I need it now. I don't care how silly it looks! I mean have y'all seen how much I sweat? I swear I loose 3 -5 pounds in sweat! and that is on a 5 mile run! ;o) Anyway, wow am I rambling! Well, I will see y'all in the AM!! Looking forward to a 6 mile run!!


Did I Just Do What I Think I Did? said...

Love the picture of your babies! They are too precious!

Kristy Jones said...

I thought I was the only one not losing weight from running all these miles...

What school will you be teaching at? I will be teaching 4th grade next year at Madison Station. :)