Monday, July 2, 2007

I know, I Know...

Go to my room!! LOL! Clayton came home from his dad's wearing a t-shirt that said that, and I just laughed!! If you guys only knew my little man! He means the world to me. He will be turning two on Thursday. I truly blows my mind that two years ago I was getting ready to go into Labor and Delivery with him. Oh how time changes in two years! Another story for another time! :o)
Anyway, I totally couldn't bring myself to wake up at 4:00 am and eat and drive to Clinton to be ready to run by 5:30. I had gone to eat for a birthday dinner for a friend at Thai House. Great food, but it didn't sit well! So, later Saturday AM I got up and let my sis keep Clayton (Marcie is in Maine with my parents), and decided to do my 8 miles in Ridgeland. Well, my knee didn't want me too. It started hurting about 1/2 a mile into my run and didn't let up. About 2 1/2 miles into I began to cry! Not so much from the pain as from the complete frustration of the whole thing. I had gone to see Wayne on Tuesday. He is FABULOUS!! He gave me stretches to do. I have been SORTA doing them, probably not as great as I could be. With a little one it is hard to find time to feed myself let alone stretch all the time. Anyway, by the time I got to 5 miles I had no more to give. I quit. My knee was so stiff all day. I put cold on it. It helped a bit. I didn't run today either. It is actually less stiff!! I have a doctor's appointment next Tuesday. Wayne isn't convinced it is IT band b/c of the way I am describing the pain. We will see! I am going to do the 30 min. run tomorrow and see how I feel.
So, I am pretty excited about the Cruisin' Clinton ride on the 4th of July!! This was my first long ride last year! So, it is special to me!! I do love to cycle!! I am going to Indian Cycle tomorrow to have them do a fit on my bike and make sure it is 100% in line with my height. That will make all the difference in the world in knee pain, neck, back, and shoulder pain!! I hope to see a bunch of Marathon Makeover people there. If you are doing it wear your bracelets so we will know each other and bring your water bottles!! :o) I am doing the 62 miles if anyone is interested. :o)
Anyway, Have a HAPPY 4th of JULY everyone!!! BE SAFE!!


catseye said...

My husband and I were going to do the 30 mile bike ride tomorrow but we drove it last night and Jimmy Williams and Norrell is a mess. It doesn't look for safe or comfortable biking (especially on a road bike). I guess we'll look for an alternative. We're disappointed, but I don't see any sense in being miserable for two hours on a bike! We might still try to show up at Traceway park and see who's there from MM. I think we'll do 30 miles up to Flora via Hwy 49 (really nice shoulder on that road), then over to Lake Cavalier to Madison, then home to Clinton via the trace.

Kayra said...

You are amazing! Truly, I can't imagine being a single parent, much less doing all the things you do. Happy 4th!